Double Take Entertainment
Double Take Entertainment Group is a production company specializing in film, voiceover and music production. It was founded by Morag MacPherson and Todd Eric Valcourt and is based in Los Angeles.
As a film production company, Double Take's main goal has been to produce and shoot SAG signatory short films for festival showings. Their first film "Man's Best Friend", a dark comedy about a man who obsesses about his pet, was screened at several film festivals garnering several nominations and great praise.
Their next film "Who Would You?" screened at film festivals all around the world achieving multiple nominations and wins including the Best Comedy Short award at the Trail Dance Film Festival.
The awards kept coming with every follow up film they created. "Driving Miss Crazy" ,"Judgement Day", "Jesus Chronicles:part I", "Security of State: Campus Cops", "Ethnically Ambiguous", "Haterade", "The Fairy Godbrutha" and "3 Things To Know About Your Black Girlfriend" all recieved great praise and awards throughtout the world.
Double Take is co-producing and just finished shooting a new television pilot "Teaching Harmony" which is currently in post-production.